Announcing Website Maintenance

Website Maintenance is a new monthly plan offered by Warner House Press, under which any requested changes or technical issues for your personal or organization website will be dealt with in a timely manner. Warner House Press promises a response to any inquiries within 24 hours of notification, and a solution whenever possible within 48.

What is Copyediting?

One service offered by Warner House Press is copyediting, but what exactly does this entail? Less intensive than developmental editing, but more comprehensive than proofreading, a copyediting session involves checking spelling, grammar, syntax, and formatting issues throughout the document. Not only that, but special attention will be paid to consistency in formatting and content; things like plot holes or accidental contradictions. The only thing not covered by copyediting is improvements and advice on the writer’s own…

What is Proofreading?

Warner House Press offers a variety of editing services to suit any writer’s need. In this post, we’ll take a look at the most basic of them: Proofreading. When most people think of editing, they probably think of this service. Proofreading focuses on correcting grammatical, spelling, and syntax errors; making certain that the author’s work is a professional and presentable finished product. While it does not engage with the manuscript as deeply as other services,…
Warner House Press: What is Developmental Editing?

What is Developmental Editing?

Developmental editing is the most in-depth service offered by Warner House Press. It includes all the grammatical, syntax, and consistency edits covered by proofreading and copyediting, but also suggestions from our experienced literary team on how to improve the content itself. The goal of developmental editing is to improve the client’s content into the best version of itself it can be, while still maintaining the author’s unique voice.